The application of zinc paste

Zinc paste must be applied as a well covering layer. The full protective effect can only be achieved if the skin is covered opaquely.

So you should definitely apply It’s On thickly.

The best way to do this is to use your fingernail to get a good amount of zinc paste out of the can. To do this, simply scrape the nail away from the body. You will have the required amount of zinc paste on the nail and can then spread it on the skin. You can watch the whole thing in the video below.

Zinc paste must be applied as a well covering layer. The full protective effect can only be achieved if the skin is covered opaquely.

So you should definitely apply It’s On thickly.

It's On Zink, Anwendung von Zinkpaste, Anwendungstipp, Anwendungshinweis, zinc sun protection how to apply

The best way to do this is to use your fingernail to get a good amount of zinc paste out of the can. To do this, simply scrape the nail away from the body. You will have the required amount of zinc paste on the nail and can then spread it on the skin. You can watch the whole thing in the video below.

It's On Zink, Anwendung von Zinkpaste, Anwendungstipp, Anwendungshinweis, zinc sun protection how to apply
It's On Zink Sonnenschutz It's On zinc sun protection It's On protección solar de zinc

Tips for the application of zinc paste and sun protection

Zinc oxide is a broadband UV filter and reliably protects your skin from UV-A and UV-B radiation. The thicker you apply the paste, the stronger the sun protection tends to be. Nevertheless, some of the harmful UV radiation will always penetrate the barrier of the zinc paste. Therefore:

  • check frequently whether the paste is still applied opaquely
  • make sure to give your skin regeneration breaks in the shade after staying in the sun

You can find even more information about our mineral sun protection in our FAQs

It's On Zink Sonnenschutz It's On zinc sun protection It's On protección solar de zinc